so in love with Paris again, forgot how much this city makes my heart skip beats
– my french is returning a petit peu, our waitor one night gave us dinner menus in french, but then dessert ones in english…damn, we blew our cover, we look french, just dont talk like it
– my belle mere robyn is a hero, she flea marketed with me in the freezing cold and pouring rain for about 3 hours, we bought the least packing and travelling friendly things ever, if i get arrested at gare du nord later for a huge horn carving knife, you know where i got busted
– our last shop yesterday was a gorgeous shop full of bijoux; robyn couldn’t decide between two pairs of earings, the woman said, “c’est comme la dessert et le fromage”. it was so true, donc, she bought both. bien sur.
– another waitor asked where I was from, I replied (embarrassingly) Texas, he replied, “chez pas paris”. i cried a little.
– merci lived up to it’s expectations, so did bon ton (i did not jinx myself and buy anything in bonton)
– Loft design by is our new fave. so obsessed
– back to Londres tonight, tres tres tres triste. good thing I’m coming back in mai (yes Tim, I’m coming back in the printemps)
– our taxi is here in cinq minutes, better go ask the lady who runs the hotel if she found out the paint colors of the lobby
love you paris, M