Love a white wall. The best canvas. Those candelabra drawings are awesome.
In other news, made progress on the assistant front! More news about that to come later. Traveling all week, for work and for fun. Looking forward to catching up with blogging pals and college pals. I most likely won’t be blogging the rest of the week. I have to hardcore learn Tuesday-Thursday about making draperies. I promised Jessica I’d take notes. Then starting at 4am on Friday I’ll be addicted to the Royal Wedding until they cease footage, (and if this country shows the Royal Wedding like they show the Olympics, we’re all completely screwed…hear that NBC? you STINK at major event coverage). The rest of the weekend is major major tons of wine, poolside, blue skies, the coolest CU alumni girls ever, bachelorette fun, discussing every celeb life we can think of, and laughing galore. Spring Break 2011. I can’t wait. Then it ends with touring my pal Sally’s house in West U in Houston, y’all should check it out, her house is fab and totally worth seeing in person!
ps. Coolidge said no, he just likes doing it for fun and wants to remain anonymous. But I’m going to email him again, and tell him he can wear a ski mask when he comes over. Maybe just maybe he’ll change his mind.