November 9, 2017

Give Thanks to your Table

Who’s hosting Tgiving this year? Raise your hand? Who’s stressed? overwhelmed? if the cooking isn’t hard enough – the table. Ugh. The table. So much pressure. 

We’ve made it easy for you. 

Here are three looks we love – and they work if you’re hosting a dinner for 4 or 40. 

I love collecting dinner ware and entertaining pieces that are mix and matchable, items you can use for any holiday depending on what you blend with it.I also love a little high/low – somethings very nice and somethings very affordable, it’s all about the mix. 

We love this Rustic casual table scape we made. The feather napkin rings are everything and make it. I like the dressy gold candle sticks (which can be used for birthday parties, sunday dinnder, baptisms and xmas eve btw). I also love a pop of color with a napkin – can be any color but this curry sings Thanksgiving and fall.

My favorite look is this classic traditional table the china is an investment but you can also do really fun melamine plate which are affordable and you can get the same look. These wicker chargers have been the best buy – use them on Easter, Thanksgiving and Mothers day every year. The texture adds so much to your table and they look good with paper napkins or a gold charger. The CB2 glasses are the buy of the year – if nothing else get those because your guests will comment on them the second you hand them their drink. And they are $3.50 each. Are you kidding me. You can’t even order a vodka soda for that price. I love a dark napkin because it doesn’t show what a mess you make – especially at tgiving dinner. These hunter green ones are perfection. 

For the girl who likes pink. Which is me. I love pink everything. Thanksgiving does not have to be brown and orange. Rules are made to be broken. Outside of the box is good. Make it memorable! The rose gold flatware is so fun. I can definitely see a Turkey Day cocktail – maybe a blood orange champagne spritzer of sorts in this pretty pitcher. Obviously the marbleized napkins are the best part of the whole thing. Someone please get these and send me a pic.