
Attention everyone, Alek over at From the Right Bank informed us today that Vincent Wolfe has a blog. How did I miss this? I’m so excited. I already feel like I kinda know him just through his work and his books, he’s that good. But now I can really feel...

Holland & Sherry

While perusing the Dec Center today, I fell in love. Of course. It happens every time. I just can’t get enough of fabrics. They make my head spin, with happiness. I’m kinda like Erika, they are better than shoes for me too. Since my budget is snug, and my...


I’m a TCK. Third Culture Kid. If you’re one too, check out this website. If not, you might not get it, sorry. My TC is Singapore. And sorta New Zealand too since I married a Kiwi. I came across this photo and it made me hungry. Gotta love a Tiger beer and...