November 9, 2009

Status Update: Dining Table, Painting, Black & White Trim

My table top arrived a few weeks ago from Louisiana, with my swing. Here it is propped up on its base, aren’t those primed walls in the background lovely? (oh and that mess of books on the floor, they’ve been there so long we’re creating a new look) We’ve been busy busy… I’ve been adding coats of Tung Oil (mixed with paint thinner) on this bad boy, a new coat every 2-3 days, 3-4 coats, it’s taking a while, you do the math. She’s looking pretty. I’m letting her dry out all week before I start with the English Wax I bought for her.

In other good news, those walls behind my pretty girl are painted, finally! Ben’s White Dove. Matte finish. It looks gooooood! Phew! We finished our entryway, hallway and living/dining last night. All walls and ceilings. 10 foot ceilings are tough. Especially for a vertically challenged girl like me! Next weekend I’m tackling the trim! I can’t wait to show you how it turns out! I’m having second thoughts about the color…so I’m picking up a slightly darker shade later this morning. Tim wants to paint the trim black…he needs to focus on engineering and let the color choice stick with me! Although I have to admit, and agree with him, black looks pretty sharp….if our moulding was gorgeous and big, I would definitely go for it!

He told me last night, we’re never painting a house ourselves again. Ha! I know it’s a lot easier to pay someone, but it’s charming to put your love, sweat and hard work into your first home. He’s just going to have to tough out the kitchen, and two bedrooms/baths coming next. Since I have about 10 unfinished projects happening right now, I didn’t think twice about taking on another one! Tim finally realized that the carpet in both bedrooms is kinda ugly, wall to wall seagrass, here we come!

Images: here, here, here, and here.