September 1, 2009

Patchwork Kilims

Ok. About three years ago while living in NZ, I came across a Vogue Living Australia with a gorgeous cover. All I could see was the rug staring me in the face. The home featured had this antique kilim patchwork rug from ABC Carpet & Home in New York. Here is another shot inside (showing that same rug which was on the cover):
(just open in a new tab to enlarge)

Ever since then I’ve been pretty obsessed with these rugs. I love the color, irregularity, pattern and uniqueness of each piece. Fast forward to yesterday afternoon when I was in Pottery Barn picking up a duvet fill for a client. I sorta wandered over to the rug section just out of curiosity. Low and behold…

I’m totally disappointed. It’s not nearly as nice. I actually caught myself thinking well, I could afford that, and I still love the look, maybe one would do for our entry. Then I came back to reality. Really? Nope, it’s not even close to being as cool as those original ones are. The colors are off, the patterns are generic. Sometimes I can happily go for a copy. In this case, I’m sorry PB, I think I’d rather walk on my bare wood floors for now!

Next time I’m in NY, you betcha I’m going to head over to ABC & price out one of these bad boys…