September 30, 2009

Out of Africa – at Round Top, Texas

I went a little African crazy while at Round Top. Every time I see African things or culture I think of my sister in law, Joanne! I’ve often write about my love of textiles, from any country, including Kuba textiles. I found some great ones this past weekend! I am not sure what I’m going to do with them, either pillows for my new sofa..or perhaps little ottoman/stools like these:

The other thing I found was an old burlap sack from Zaire, it even had a nut inside of it! I recently saw some great wing chairs upholstered with a burlap sack on the back facing the front, and the rest of the chair was done in a ticking with nail heads. I might do something like that with this, or maybe a bench, who knows. I like that cheetah face, it’s like animal print without really being animal print!