September 29, 2009

Dining Table Design Part II

Remember my dream table? And remember my adventure to Acadian Parish to design my dining table top? I spent this past Saturday in the fields of Round Top with the sole purpose of finding my dining table base. Antiquing up there is happening all week, in fact I’m going up again tomorrow at 7am for more fun! Anyway, I purposely began my search at one particularly huge booth, which is ultra cool, ultra hip, amazing stuff, the dealer is a little ‘too cool for school’ if you know what I mean. I knew to stop there first for inspiration, with the hopes he might have something in my price range that would be perfect. After chatting with him and learning that he does not sell iron bases by themselves, and that he thought I’d have no luck finding one, especially for under $500, I left feeling discouraged and sad!

Good thing I can sniff out junk and a bargain. I’ve shopped markets from Bangkok to India, Indonesia and Egypt, I’m not afraid of a little Texan Round Top! And sure enough, I found my base a few booths down for $350! That price includes being cut down to the size I need! What do you think? I know, it’s a little rusty. I am going to get that rust off. Although I kinda like that blueish white patina on it…we’ll see. I am really pleased with it all and I can’t wait to show you the finished product in a few weeks! I have other goodies from RT to show you..and a new sofa that is getting delivered on Thursday, it’s all starting to come together!!!

ps, If it looks small, it’s not, I forgot to add that it weighs 400lbs, good news is that ‘George’, my man, my salesman, said he’ll be able to chop off 100 of those bad boys when he cuts it to scale! HA! We’re never moving from this house…