August 24, 2009

Dining Room Table Quest

On Friday I had a few free hours in the afternoon to kill, so I did what any furniture obsessed person would do, hit the junk shops in my new neighborhood. Since it was about 168 degrees and I was thirsty, I didn’t last too long. But I couldn’t go home without stopping at Installations. Which is literally down my street. That is so dangerous. Everything in Installations is amazing, there is not one thing I don’t love. Check out their website, you’ll be impressed.

Well, I told the Danish owner Jurg I was looking for a dining table. Which is true, the type of dining table is still up for discussion. I am pretty certain our room calls for a round table, which I think would look great. Tim thinks they are a little too casual and wants a rectangle. Jurg showed me a round one that I knew could be ‘the one’.

The top is made of reclaimed azobe wood with a half found metal band all around the edges, the cast iron industrial base is American 1930’s-40’s. Pretty amazing right? Jurg artfully refinishes or fabricates most of his furniture from unique items found in Europe or the US. I also saw some pretty amazing 1930’s American chaise lounges on wheels that he’d lacquered a gray/green. And I drooled over an original George Nelson ball bubble pendant light from the 1950’s.

Back to “the one”, the part I’m leaving out is the price. It’s $9500. Yep. You read correctly. NO, it does not have inlaid diamonds. You think you’d be buying precious jewels for that price. I went from being super stoked that I found something I thought was incredible, to being sad, really sad. But Jurg is so cool and asked me to give him a budget and he’d see what he could make for me within my price range. So we’ll see, I think in my budget the only thing Jurg could make me would be a Barbie sized table!