January 29, 2019

Curb Appeal

Curb appeal – you either got it or you don’t. I am here to help make sure your house “has it”. You do not have to spend a lot of money to make big changes to the front of your home.

Changing the color of your front door can make a huge impact on the look of your home. It is a project you can do yourself with an extra set of hands or if DIY isn’t your thing its an inexpensive project to outsource. In this months issue of Southern Living Magazine, there is a great read on front door colors in the Curb Appeal section. I know some of you out there are afraid of color and if it’s not your thing that’s ok because you can keep your door the current color and swap out your current hardware. New hardware is an instant facelift to any door.

If you are happy with your front door but you still feel like the front of your home needs some love I suggest adding a statement planter or multiple smaller scale panters in various sizes. Planters are a great way to make your home feel more welcoming and can also be used as a simple way to decorate seasonally by changing the type and color of your flowers.