May 4, 2011

Behind on Life.

I had a fun time in Vegas with Jessica! It was my first time to Vegas, so I was a little overwhelmed. We learned a lot about making draperies, selling draperies, and met a lot of gung-ho drapery making ladies. They nearly fell out when we told them we didn’t actually do our own sewing, next year I think we need to bring our seamstress Miss Hilda so we have some street cred! We had a fun dinner with these two lovely ladies Megan & Erika. Blogging hall-of-famers. They are so hilarious, I had a great time seeing Erika again, and meeting Megan in ‘real life’. They were on a panel at the KBIS show which we attended too. Moral of the panel: blogging helps your business, and stay true to your voice when blogging. Thanks girls, it was a blast!
Ok, then I went to Arizona and laid by the pool with these girls (minus 2 not in this pic) for three days. We had dinner at Trader Vics which is always so fun and brings me back to my days in highschool in Singapore, we used to go there for happy hour all the time. We went to Nordstroms ‘Last Chance’, it’s a total crazy place for crazy people. The girls talked me out of getting this bag. Hum…still thinking about it! We pulled an all nighter watching the Royal Wedding, and we killed a Costco size bottle of Grey Goose in the first day. Do you know how big those are? Mixed with Grapefruit juice, it disappears so fast. Yikes. But we laughed until we cried. It was good for my soul (not my waistline)!
Now I’m back to the grind and very very behind. Yesterday I spent most of my day placing orders for furniture. For one project, I ordered a pale blue linen English arm sofa coupled with a peacock blue velvet Chesterfield sofa. Going in the same living room. The colors remind me of this Charleston house above!

My pal Leslie from Again and Again has this vintage Chesterfield that has the most perfect scale. We’re using it as a model to customize our Chesterfield.

Better get back to it…