No, not Jamal & Latika! Me & Jeanette Farrier’s throws! They are vintage sari’s hand picked by Londoner Jeanette Farrier and hand quilted by women in Calcutta. The fabrics are pieced together, recycled, no doubt previously loved. Now, y’all know how I feel about a sari, and a sari border, and Indian brides…my fascination with India, and Indian textiles continues!
Aren’t they gorgeous? They’re heavy too. They can be used as bed throws, or table cloths. I’m so in love I wouldn’t even know which color to pick!
You can buy them at Circa Trade, it’s where I escape to on the internet when I’m not in Asia, and I’m homesick for the Orient. When I virtually browse, I smell teak, humidity, incense, and I hear Hindi music, mandarin and tuk tuks! It makes me want to have an entire house filled with beautiful treasures from far away lands….Go there, check it out…you’ll see why!