My mom has these little birds that are nesting in the range of her stove. I know that sounds weird, but you can hear them. They aren’t inside the house or anything, it’s like they live in the exhaust pipe system. (you can tell how much I know about home construction…nada) Anyway, you can hear these little babies chirp when you’re in the kitchen. It’s sweet. That side of birds I like. The birds I don’t like are the ones that traumatized me as a child, Hitchcock’s version. Ever since I’ve been a little ‘on the fence’ (pun intended) about how I feel about birds/birds in nature/birds as pets/bird motifs/bird wallpaper/bird related things like nests/bird anything. Help me decide, are birds hot or not?
Bird Charms
Bird NecklacesBird Wall Decals
Bird Irish Tea Towels
Humm… what do you think? Birds cool or uncool?