November 22, 2010

New York in a NutShell.

Let me tell you a little story. Once upon a time, my husband Tim, decided he liked long distance running and training. Over the years he participated in marathons and this summer, and IronMan triathlon. But his dream was the New York Marathon. His Dad ran it in ’91, 19 years later it was Tim’s turn. This fall, we planned a trip to New York to watch Tim tick off this item on his bucket list. Since we were going to New York, I decided I should take advantage and go early, hang with friends and do some work up there. Then since we were already in New York, Tim’s mom and I decided we should head over to London. Then we sorta though, since we’re in London, we might as well pop over to Paris for a few days. That’s what happened, thanks Tim for signing up for that race. We had a great trip. This is Chapter 1. New York.
Beautiful Interior Oil that belongs to my friend Laurie…an ebay find, gorgeous huh? I stayed with Laurie at her cute little flat. Laurie and I went to high school together in Singapore. We’re still great buddies. She works for Coach, and used to work for Gourmet, RIP Gourmet. She’s super creative and does tons of photo styling and editing.

Laurie’s neighbor in Murray Hill. Love that Foxy Door Knocker.

Laurie, Alan, and I are at a book signing for David Wondrich’s “Punch”.
Then we had a lovely dinner at David Chang’s trendy Ssam Bar. Get the pork buns if you go. Highly recommended.

Oh hello Johnny D. Love you.

Drinks at Peels. Jess, Nick, Laurie and I had a great time..a little too much fun. These ‘friends’ in the back ground wanted in on the action, either that or they really wanted our prime seats at the bar. (by the way, when you google ‘peels nyc’ a LOT of cosmetic clinics pop up..kinda funny)

Kinda died at my version of Mecca.

Loved these peeling plastered walls.

Died again at Madeline. She’s my style hero. I picked out dhurries for my future nursery, boy version and girl version. No, I’m not pregnant, I just like to plan ahead and dream a little.

Samuel & Sons. Pretty much died and went to trim heaven. So fine.

Secondhand Rose Vintage Wallpapers. These papers are a lot of fun.

One of my drinks at Peels. Got out of order. Wups. I love pink and orange together.

I bought this. Sent it home with Tim shoved jam packed in his suitcase. Made him put his sweaty marathon clothes in his carry on. I admit, I have an illness.

Kenya’s Edna Kiplagat, winner of the women. Did I mention we scored these awesome vip-ish spots to watch it from?

Ethiopia’s Gerbre Gebrmariam, winning the men’s race.

This cutie was watching it near us.

Team Tim Supporters!

FDNY came out to watch! Even with the world’s latest technology tracking Tim, we still managed to miss him run past us. That’s because the runners were packed in like this. 45,000 + runners. Insane.

Fall in the park.

There’s our guy! Finished! Congrats Tim! Such a fun week in New York. Next up, London. Although this post took me about 3 days get up, so with the break I might not be posting London and Paris for a while Bare with me..I’m having to pick up on all the work I completely ditched the last 2 weeks….eek! Gobble Gobble.