I’m still trailing behind….sorry y’all! Next week when my new assistant starts hopefully I’ll be able to breathe again. I’m so excited because I just need the help so badly!
a really giant picture of me and Tim in my grandparents back yard
Anyway, we ended up going to Shreveport to see my grandparents for Mothers Day, and just had the best time. It was all naps and eating. Lots of eating – Pound Cake. I just about ate a whole pound cake by myself. So.Good. Grandmother deviated from her normal recipe and tried out the Peace Meals recipe, highly recommended. We also listened to birds. Here is where I really need to tell you about my grandparents and how awesome they are. They are so young and cool. Grandmother is always home making, home baking, home remedying something, and it’s always better than you can buy anywhere. Also she has been known to be the instigator of mixing up Bloody’s (as in Mary’s) early in the morning when at our camp. Yep, not the granddaughters in their 20’s, but Grandmother getting her drink on. She fishes better with a little somethin’ to sip on anyway. GrandTex is 80 going on 18 and wears sneakers that are look cooler than what any college kid wears. He can build a house with his bare hands. And he’s absolutely hilarious. All of our friends adore him.
drinks at Thanksgiving – my sister Kate and Godmother Katie are pretty big instigators too
Ok. Back to listening to the birds. GrandTex has a had a little trouble hearing lately, and he had been missing his classic one liners cause he couldn’t hear much of the conversation. Well, hearing aids are expensive and he didn’t want to fork over thousands just to lose them when he was mowing the grass or climbing on the roof. Or for them to stick out of his ears and make him look like any old grandfather who can’t hear. I don’t blame him, they seemed lame.
my Dad and GrandTex cooking something with a Roux at our camp
THEN…two days before we got to town, Tim found these really cool, inexpensive, rock star hearing aids on Amazon and ordered them straight to Grandmother & GrandTex’s house. Those aids are invisible, you can’t see them at all. GrandTex could suddenly hear EVERYTHING and told us to stop talking about him…winkwink. AND best of all, he could start hearing all of those birds off his back porch chirp again. We were all so happy for him and so thankful for Tim for researching and ordering them, talk about improving your quality of life. Grandmother had us laughing because she told GrandTex now she’s only ever going to repeat things twice, and that’s it, if he misses it, he misses it. Bless her heart! I just had to pass on this information for anyone who might be in a similar situation as this. I told a client of mine about our weekend today and about how excited we were for GrandTex and she asked me to send her the information so she could order them for her Dad. So. Moral of the story. Everyone had a great Mothers Day because GrandTex could hear us! Buy your hearing aids here!!!
terrible iphone photo glare
Ok if you are not in the market for hearing aids and just read through all of this rambling, but think you might be in the market for some very cool botanicals..keep reading. Of course I can’t go anywhere without popping into some little shop somewhere. And Shreveport was no exception. Mom and I skipped over to an antique shop and I picked up these great botanicals for a client. I love how they are horizontal, you hardly ever find them ‘landscape’. This set is sold to a client, but the dealer mentioned she had four more in Tennessee, so I had her Fed Ex them to me just in time for Urban Market this weekend! If I was on the ball I’d have tons of ‘sneak peeks’ for you, but I’m not, so this is the only sneak peek you’re going to get! Come see the rest of my goodies this weekend at Urban Market! OH..and big news, I will have my new candle, “Printemps” and it will be at UM too (+ it’s 20% more candle for the same price now!). “Printemps” is: orange blossom, pink grapefruit and jasmine. I’m sharing my booth with Sally Wheat and Courtney Barton (Courtney has some fabulous block printed baby/child’s blankets that are to die for!). Please come say hey!!