Werkin Out

Werkin Out

New Years will be here before we know it and we all know what that means…resolutions! Heres to getting fit in 2019. Turn on your JavaScript to view...
Fun & Games

Fun & Games

Let the games begin! Here are a few fun items that the youngsters will love, trust me – I read the reviews. Turn on your JavaScript to view...
Sand & Snow

Sand & Snow

It’s Cyber Monday, time to power up your computers and start clicking away. I pray for nimble fingers and a mouse that is fully charged! There are so many good sales today but hands down the best deals are on airline tickets. Whether you are escaping cold...
Deck the Halls

Deck the Halls

Now that the kitchen is back in order and the houseguests are packing up, its time to shop! I like to kick off the season with holiday music, a brandy milk punch – once the music is playing and I am a few sips in the decorating can begin. Here are a few items...
Hostess Gifts

Hostess Gifts

Hosting a celebration is a lot of work and as a guest, you should show your appreciation – never show up empty-handed and always offer help. Here are a few of my favorite gifts to give the hostess. Turn on your JavaScript to view...